My name is Clarise and I am, for the most part, quite the average seventeen-year-old girl. I went to a Catholic elementary school, a public junior high, then took a leap to a public high school that was ten times larger than my junior high and twenty times larger than my elementary school. I also managed to get into University and commited myself to studying business. My parents still live together - happily married, for the most part, for 21 years at the time of this writing - and I live with them in our lovely home, which is only complete with our wonderful dog, Lili.
Well, for all that, I'm fairly certain that there are things that I do that are far from "average". I've studied in French Immersion all 13 schooling years of my life, and I continue to study in French with a Bilingual Commerce Degree at my local University. Growing up in Alberta, Canada, studying in French is a bit out of the ordinary - and continuing past High School is even more unheardof. I'm also a bit shorter than the "average" height, but that's fine with me - it's better to be shorter and not have to worry about beheading myself on low-hanging doorways. However, there's something which makes me even more of a deviant from "average"...
I've been told that I'm "highly unusual".
Why is it that I'm "highly unusual"? Well, it would most likely have something to do with my mental outlook and with my goal.
I have decided, at age 17, to take a "year off" - only one course - of school and take personal development courses. Now, that might not sound like a drastic change, but take into consideration that I have left the comfort of the great University I'd been accepted into and taking self-development courses. What kind of 17-year-old takes self-development courses?!
I have decided, at age 17, to take a "year off" - only one course - of school and take personal development courses. Now, that might not sound like a drastic change, but take into consideration that I have left the comfort of the great University I'd been accepted into and taking self-development courses. What kind of 17-year-old takes self-development courses?!
Probably, one kinda like me.
I hope.
The second thing I listed on my "List of things that make me highly unusual" is my goal. Now, I can hear some of you thinking "Well, okay, so she takes self-development courses instead of Math courses, what kind of goal could she be thinking of?". Take a deep breath, now, and you might want to sit down - this could rock you a bit.
I hope.
The second thing I listed on my "List of things that make me highly unusual" is my goal. Now, I can hear some of you thinking "Well, okay, so she takes self-development courses instead of Math courses, what kind of goal could she be thinking of?". Take a deep breath, now, and you might want to sit down - this could rock you a bit.
I want to be a Millionaire.
And not just any Millionaire. I want to be a Millionaire under the age of 40, and hopefully, under the age of 30. That is my goal, on the financial side. My goal on the spiritual side and the relationship side and the personal side are all under work at the moment, but I'll let you know exactly what they are when I know for myself what exactly they are.
So, there you have it. My name is Clarisse, and I am a highly unusual average seventeen-year-old girl. I am taking personal development courses because they offer me much more than conventional schooling can and I am going to be a Millionaire.
I would like to thank you for reading this far and for not screaming at your screen and demanding to know how and why a good little seventeen-year-old like me would give up a great academic and job-seeking career to take personal development courses. Though, I know you're quite calm in that respect. Thanks again, and hope to hear from you soon!
And not just any Millionaire. I want to be a Millionaire under the age of 40, and hopefully, under the age of 30. That is my goal, on the financial side. My goal on the spiritual side and the relationship side and the personal side are all under work at the moment, but I'll let you know exactly what they are when I know for myself what exactly they are.
So, there you have it. My name is Clarisse, and I am a highly unusual average seventeen-year-old girl. I am taking personal development courses because they offer me much more than conventional schooling can and I am going to be a Millionaire.
I would like to thank you for reading this far and for not screaming at your screen and demanding to know how and why a good little seventeen-year-old like me would give up a great academic and job-seeking career to take personal development courses. Though, I know you're quite calm in that respect. Thanks again, and hope to hear from you soon!
Dreams are things to take action upon.
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